Mount Airy Town Council Meeting 10/04/2021
Coverage of the Mount Airy Town Council Meeting from Monday, October 4, 2021.
This meeting started with a public hearing followed by the regular Town Council meeting
Coverage of the Mount Airy Town Council Meeting from Monday, October 4, 2021.
This meeting started with a public hearing followed by the regular Town Council meeting
The Community Media Center of Carroll County pays tribute to Mount Airy Mayor Patrick Rockinberg, who died Aug. 29 after more than 11 years in office.
Coverage of the Mt. Airy 2023 Master Plan Work Session 7-8-2021
Coverage of the Mt. Airy Planning Commission Meeting on 6-28-2021
Mt. Airy Town Council Meeting 06-07-2021
Watch coverage of the Mt Airy Planning Commission Meeting on 5-24-2021
Watch coverage of the Mt. Airy Town Council Meeting on 5-3-2021