Carroll County's 188th Birthday Celebration 1-25-25
Steve Bowersox tells the early history of Westminster High School in celebration of Carroll County's 188th birthday.
Steve Bowersox tells the early history of Westminster High School in celebration of Carroll County's 188th birthday.
Speaker Doug Heck will share the Taneytown History museum’s history, current events, including the 2020 baseball exhibit, and future plans.
The Historical Society of Carroll County program Talks at the Tavern “Owing to the Confusion and Excitement of the Battle of Antietam”, presented by Jay Graybeal, chief curator at the Army Heritage and Education Center traces his great-great grandfather’s 36-year legal fight to recover damages from [ . . . ]
Historical Society of Carroll County Presents: Virtual Box Lunch Talk
Digital Maryland: Celebrating more than a decade of work to digitize historical and cultural documents.
Speaker: Jodi Hoover, Digitization Supervisor/Digital Maryland Coordinator
Digital Maryland, a statewide [ . . . ]
Virtual box lunch talk: Words & Images: Three Carroll County Women Presented by Jim Lightner
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