Mount Airy Planning Commission Meeting and Public Hearings 4-29-2024
Mount Airy Planning Commission Meeting and Public Hearings 4-29-2024
Mount Airy Planning Commission Meeting and Public Hearings 4-29-2024
Mount Airy Town Council Meeting and Master Plan Public Hearing 2-3-2025
Mount Airy Planning Commission Meeting 1-27-2025
Mount Airy Town Council Meeting and Master Plan Public Hearing 1-13-2025
Mount Airy Master Plan Joint Work Session 12-18-2024
At the Mount Airy Main Street Christmas, the Mayor and Town Council along with several specially selected local students will light the Town Christmas tree in the Railyard. Then get ready as the annual holiday parade makes its way down Main Street with a very special appearance by Santa Claus!
Mount Airy Town Council Meeting 12-2-2024